


Blank Change on

Published in Brain Teasers

In the four sentences below, are two blanks. You must fill them in with words that are either anagrams, synonyms, antonyms, or homonyms. You can only use each of these one time each sentence. Can you figure out each word?

1. The golfer has yelled out "____" ____ times today.

2. They began to ____ scones, and drink ____.

3. She used one ____ to look down at her wrist and see her ____.

4. He ran ____ the dog in order ____ not get bitten by it.


1. The golfer has yelled out "FORE," FOUR times today. (homonyms)

2. They began to EAT scones, and drink TEA. (Anagrams)

3. She used one EYE to look down at her wrist and see her WATCH. (Synonyms)


4. He ran FROM the dog in order TO not get bitten by it. (Antonyms)

Today's brain teaser courtesy of




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