


C-Force: The Things We'll Try to Reinforce Healthy Eating

: Chuck Norris on

Let's see. There are the Academy Awards, the Golden Globes, the Grammy Awards, the Country Music Awards, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, even the Film Independent Spirit Awards. There are so many shows that have come to make up what constitute popular entertainment's "awards season." Folks love these shows. We all love that moment of, "And the award goes to ..."

A 2019 Well+Good report explained that, according to clinical psychologist Jennifer Guttman, award shows fulfill "a basic human need."

"The Oscars are exciting and entertaining because they reinforce our belief that people thrive on external reinforcement," Dr. Guttman says. "Even people who have already achieved celebrity-status seem captivated by what others think about them."

I must admit, I'm kind of sorry to see this year's version of these shows now behind us. And it got me thinking, what if we filled the void until next year's awards season with an award show recognizing the best fruits and vegetables to help sustain or enhance public health? Let's face it, healthy eating in general could use a little reinforcement.

So welcome to the Golden Nutrition Awards (not real, just something I've made up). Our first category comes to us from U.S. News & World Report and is for "Best Food to Eat When Fighting the Cold or the Flu, in a supporting role.

-- Chicken soup, for its protein and array of vitamins and hydrating broth.


-- Citrus fruits, for their vitamin C that "helps the body create antibodies, which fight off infections."

-- Honey, for its role "as a natural cough suppressant" that "can help soothe an irritated throat."

-- Pomegranates and pomegranate juice, for being "a good source of vitamin C and fiber."

-- Sweet potatoes, for their immunity-supporting nutrients and "antioxidants like beta-carotene and phytochemicals that help fight disease."


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